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Status: Indexed

H/10/1927 -1-


April 3rd. 1928.

The October meeting of The HORTICULTURAL
was held at Cloverly. Our gracious Hostesses, a
perfect autumn day, the beautiful exhibit of fruit
flowers, and vegetables,made a scene long to be

The meeting was called to order by our
President, Cousin Charlie Brooke. In the absence
of Mary Reading Nichols, Mary Mathews Nichols was
saked to act as Secretary. A Large attendance of
members and guests were assembled. The Readers
were Mary Stabler, and Helen Farquhar. Mary Stabler
read,"making the Green House in winter". Planting
Horse Radish in a boul of gravel, soon a boul of
green is the result. She also told of a Washington
expert who says, "Plant grass seed in the fall for
a lawn, cut the last time the middle of Sept."

Helen Farquharread an article on home
grown mushrooms. The writer tried the experience
of cultivating mushrooms in the cellar. One half
garden loam, one half manure. With care they can
be produced in a cellar, but a point made was that
this climate is too hot and dry. Caleb Stabler
ships mushrooms to the Washington market.

Mary Magruder read from a paper dated
1844, of a school at Olney, called Olney, conducted
by cousin Roger Farquhar's Father. The requirments
were much as of schools today.

Forethought forgot her book, but told
of alpine flowers being put in a protected place
for the freeze, being successful here. Mrs. Tilton
also read an article on Garden Clubs. Such Clubs
are a clearing house for, "how to cultivate flowers"

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