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Status: Indexed

H/10/1930 -1-

Edgewood April 1/1931

As planned, at the September
meeting of our Horticultural
Society, we assembled at the
Community House Oct 7. Mary
and Edith Green as hosts
of the day greeted us. The box
luncheon grew into a bountiful
feast, supplemented by coffee.
In the absence of our Pres Harry
, Henry Nichols Vice Pres
called the Meeting to order.
After the usual routine of business
[?] [?] first appointed reader
told us of a new type of mulch.
the refuse from paper factories, that
destruction agent in stream
pollution, this refuse has been found
too valuable to be thrown away.
The Kalamagro Parchment
Co have led to the discovery of
a liquid mulch. Many flowers

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