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H/7/1932 -1-

August 2nd, 1932

On July 5th, 1932 the members of the Horticultural
Society and some guests assembled at The
Highlands. Marianna Miller with her children and
grandchildren greeted us on the green lawn under
the trees we all love and admire. After a short
social time we were called for our meeting in the
living room. The Chairman, Henry J. Nichols presiding.
The usual order of business followed, and
with some changes the minutes were adopted.

Ernest and Minnie Iddings were welcomed as

Helen Hallowell reading for Charlotte Farquhar
told of planting and planning Rock Gardens, a full
and suggestive aricle, easily followed by those
contemplating making such a garden.

Sue Thomas made her first bow as a reader before
The Horticultural. The article chosen was,
"The keeper of the President's trees", Charlie
. This gave us an intimate knowledge of
those who have planted trees from all lands with
love and veneration in this memory garden for those
who pass this way to enjoy. Mr. Henlock tells of
our women of the White House who find in this garden
of beauty the pleasure and restfulness given by
nature to those who live with trees and shrubs, and

Volunteer articles were given by Mary Miller
, who told us about moles and cures for them.
Mary Magruder told us how a farmer counts his blessings.

Forethought gave us timely suggestions for July
Helen Hallowell substituting for Helen Farquhar.

The Assistant Secretary, Mary Stabler reported
a good July showing of vegetables and fruits, Glen
showed apricots and a novelty in yellow
cherries. The flowers were in profusion and so very
beautiful. Magnolia from Riverside, hugh Shasta
Daisies from Homeland Farms, Flowers from everywhere
old fashioned and new types-- in bunches and as
specimen exhibits.

Under new business, we were sorry for the resignation
of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Farquhar. The Sec.
was instructed to write them in the name of the
Horticultural, of our regret at their withdrawal.

The Community Council report was read and
listened to with interest, no special action was

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