Page 11



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H/7/1932 -2-

The Secretary announced a vacancy in membership--
no one on the waiting list.

The old minute books of the Horticultural
Society cared for by the Bank, were placed in the
custody of the Secretary of the Society, to be
taken from the Bank on order of the Custodian.
This has been done by other societies whose records
are cared for by the Bank.


Marianna Miller asked for suggestions for the
planting of a hedge at the Highlands to replace the
one sacrificed to the new road. Several suggestions
as to kinds.

Mrs. Green told of again having the borer attack
a tree at Falling Green. Mr. Hurry had removed the
borer from a large Ash tree with good results.

Is it too late to plant tomato plants - not.

Is it too late to plant sweet potato plants.
It is worth trying, Mrs. Weld offered plants.

Cabbage plants may be obtained from Maurice

Ernest Iddings asked if Bordeau Mixture was to
be used to killed Mexican Beetles on beans. No, use
Calcium arsenate - 1 to 5 parts hydrated lime, use as
a dust preferred.

Is it usual for canterbury bells to bloom second
time. Several reported a second bloom.

Too late to plant bush limas.

How late should grapes be sprayed. Use Bordeaux
until August first.

Pear blight should be removed. It infects apple
trees. Quince susceptable also.

Do climbing roses revert. Not thought to. Trim
well and enrich by digging around bushes.

Harlequin bug very distructive to cabbage, reported
by Rose Gilpin.

What to do with Sweet William after blooming?
Scatter seed.

No one could tell the cause of the delphinium

Has anyone the formula for Government white wash

Mr. Hurry found an unusual cocoon on one of his
apple trees. He sent to the Agricultural Department
for information, which he will report.

Has anyone seen any rose bugs this season. No.

Because of illness Sharon is not to be opened
this summer. The meeting scheduled for Mr. & Mrs.
Francis Farquhar on August 2nd is cancelled, and
the meeting will be held at the Community House with
a basket picnic supper. Adjourned.

The garden was visited and reported as bountiful
and in fine condition.


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