H/8/1932 -1-
Homeland Farms Sep 6.
A small attendance of members
with quite a few welcome guests,
assembled at The Community
House on the afternoon of August 2nd
for the monthly meeting of "The
Horticultural Society."
The Chairan Henry Nichols
called the meeting to order -
the minutes were accepted as
The first appointed reader Ann
Miller chose for her offering a
most interesting article, bearing
the title, For Ladies and flower lovers.
We were told how to bring into
our window boxes and conservatories
the hardy annuals for
winter blooming, [?] -
Petunias, Gardenias, Salvias
Nasturtiums, and a word of
caution as to aphids, a nicotine
spray should be used often to
control this pest, Douglas Farquhar
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