Page 12



Status: Indexed

H/8/1932 -1-

Homeland Farms Sep 6.

A small attendance of members
with quite a few welcome guests,
assembled at The Community
on the afternoon of August 2nd
for the monthly meeting of "The
Horticultural Society."

The Chairan Henry Nichols
called the meeting to order -
the minutes were accepted as

The first appointed reader Ann
chose for her offering a
most interesting article, bearing
the title, For Ladies and flower lovers.
We were told how to bring into
our window boxes and conservatories
the hardy annuals for
winter blooming, [?] -
Petunias, Gardenias, Salvias
Nasturtiums, and a word of
caution as to aphids, a nicotine
spray should be used often to
control this pest, Douglas Farquhar

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