3) H/7/1935-5-
Andrew Adams spoke of the
necessity of funds being available
for use in trying to control
insect pest and the blights
& that sufficient appropriations
had not been made & felt
that some pressure should
be brought to bear to get
the money. He was asked to find out what could be
done and invite Dr. E.N. Cory
state entomologist to come to
our next meeting to tell us
more about it.
We were reminded that
for the supper meetings we
meet about 4 P.M. & be called to
order at 4.15.
Readers for next time
Mary Magruder & Roberta Adams
As a good substitute for the hosts
garden, we visited the most attractive
one of Mr. & Mrs. Lindley Clarke's
Adjourned to meet
next month at the Com. House,
bringing our own picnic supplies.
Mariana S. Miller
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