Page 28



Status: Indexed


Community House 9-3-'35

Since our last meeting, held July
second, one of our valued members
had passed to the Great Beyond
and, as is customary under such
circumstances, the August meeting
was omitted. When we gathered
on September 3rd at the
Community House it was with
a feeling of sadness at our loss
and a fitting tribute to the memory
of Mary Mathews Nichols
was offered by Cornelia H. Bentley
a copy of which was to be
sent to her family and also
spread upon the minutes.

After the reading and adoption
of the minutes of the last meeting
Margaret C. Bancroft read an
article sent by Mary Magruder
who could not be present on
making the most of flower
borders in the way of selecting
and arranging the

Roberta Adams gave us

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