first spraying. Warning: if 2-4D is put on too
heavily, the soil is contaminated to some plants.
Why does lycoris bloom for years and then
disappear? It is a mystery lily in more ways
than name only.
Moss in the lawn means that it needs lime.
Flash! Japanese beetles are at a
minimum in once-ravaged Pennsylvania.
The secretary received a brief form letter
from Senator Butler in response to the protest
against despoiling much of the Olympic National
Park, as proposed. Mr. Ickes was repcrted to be
interested in the preservation of the present
Olympic Park.
Between the meeting and the pleasant supper
time around the groaning board, we admired
Roberta's garden and noticed the lirope and
strange, blooming legume. Who knows the name of it?
It was an unusual experience to learn of Andrew
Junior's romantic venture with orchids. We saw
his mold-free seedlings and visioned the orchids
seven years hence.
IW sec
P.S. We didn't see any haemerocallis to
equal what the Ten Oaks Nursery had planted in
the Spring, at Alloway.
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