The meteorologist could only report one inch
of rain during March, but he and all the other
officers of the Society were reelected for the
next two years' terms.
The secretary-treasurer has a balance of
four dollars in the treasury. The BY-laws were read.
Mr. Hurrey, Elsa Thomas and Mary Reading
Miller were appointed to prepare a minute in memory
of our former, valued member, Mary Hutton.
Mary Reading was asked to represent The
Horticultural at the meeting on the proposed
community library.
It was with regret thet the resignation of
Albert and Lena Stabler was accepted. A note
expressing our affection will go to them,-our
newest honorary members,
No one knew more about the fragrant, white
bloom on some of the box at Homestone.
Edward Iddings was asked to try the Burpee
hybrid tomatoes, and let us hear how they are.
Will they, or won't, the McReynolds' trillium
bulbs come up?
All are urged to please try to meet more promptly at 4:45.
ISW sec
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