Page 7



Status: Indexed


digger, across the sheep-dotted field, from The Cedars.

The secretary was asked to reply to Roberta
' letter of resignation, that we have no
waiting list, our membership is not full,
and we need their valuable membership. We want
them to come whenever it is possible for them
to do so.

The average June temperature was 72 1/2°.

A series of questions were asked. It is well
to plant new perennial and biennial seed every
year. Where do we rank among horticultural
societies in age? This, was begun in 1863.

Deep skepticism was expressed over the mole-
killer advertised in The Flower Grower. The
worst thing to be said about it being that it is
a product of Clifton, N.J. No one could identify
the possible flowering crab apple (?) brought
by the Arnolds, but it was recommended for jelly!
Homestone has a semi-weeping or waving willow
called Solomon's willow. Billy Moore may know
what to do about scale on pachysandra.

It wasn't going to rain so we enjoyed our
feast under the Nesbitts's trees and sky.

ISW sec

Divide chrysanthemums in Spring, daylillies & peonies now

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