Page 9
Questions:- (August 1949)
Q. How treat iris borers? A. Arsenate of lead.
Q. How limit growth of ground moss? No confident answers.
Q. How prune English box? A. In spring, with care.
Q. How limit growth of arbor vita? A. Trim, but it isn't easy.
Q. Will staking tomatoes help control blight? A. Most say
will not help.
Q. Is it itoo late to pinch back dahlias? A. Too late for
heavy pinching.
Q. Will the Society appoint a representative to join in
considering a forthcoming edition of the Annals of Sandy
Spring? Mary Reading Miller appointed by the Chair.
Q. What annuals do well around amaryllis? A. Petunias,
Q. Other name for Japanese Balloons? ? Physalis Franchetti
Q. Transplant roses in August? A. Yes, if watered, kept out
of sun.
Q. How best raise cantaloupes and watermelons? A. Sandy soil,
or add sand; use manure.
Q. Can magnolia be pruned? A. Prune in spring, just as active
growth start; scars heal slowly, rot easily, use paint.
Q. Is duPont Ammate a selective weed killer? A. Only if used
with utmost care; if applied heavily will kill everything.
Q. Deafness from DDT exposure had been reported; have members
had such experience? A. No, except possibly one case.
Readers for September meeting: Edith Owings, Ulric Hutton.
Adjournment was made, via a bountiful and varied covered
dish dinner (I wonder how many tons of ice cubes and gallons
of iced tea Mrs. Hill provided, and take this opportunity to
thanks her for her great generosity) to Fairfield, where
Deborah and Albert Willson and Edward Iddings will be our
co-hosts in September.
GFN Sec.Pro.Tem.
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