Page 4




Status: Indexed


sodium nitrate from deposits in Chile, or of phosphate
rock from Virginia, for "who if not Nature made them"?

Jessie McReynolds instead of reading gave a list of
early spring flowers which she had collected for her
daughter's small Georgetown garden. On the list were;
early dwarf iris, snow drops, scylla, both pink and white
hyacinths, crocus, jonquiles, primroses, grape hyacinths,
phloxes, myositis, lilies of valley, pansies, violas
and bleeding heart, names which conjured up a regular
picture of beauty to her listeners.

Our good Committee on Forethought, Rebecca Small, told us
that azaleas like an acid soil and now is the time to
prepare the ground for dahlias. Peony blight can be controlled
with Bordeaux mixture; set out pansies now;
scatter radish seeds in the carrot rows. Rebecca finished
her report by reading the poem " The First Spring
Day", by John Todhunter.

Our meteorologist had no report on the rainfall as
he had been away but told us that the average temperature
for March was 43 degrees.

The name of Grace and Francis Thomas were suggested
as new members to the society referred to the Mem. Com.

"Tanglewood" was named the next place of meeting with
Elizabeth Ligon and Leon Small as readers.

The secretary read a note of resignation from the
Nesbitts which the society accepted with regret. The

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