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Community House---October 1951

A perfect Indian summer late afternoon and evening contrived
tro make the last meeting of the 1951 season of the
Horticulture Society a perfect finale to the other seven

With Edward Iddings as out host the meeting was open by
the president and the minutes of the last meeting were read
and approved.

Emmeline Hill read an article from an English Horticulture
magazine on house leeks, afoliage plant. Mary R. Miller8 s
article was "Are Summer Bulbs worth Saving?" The writer thoroughly
believes they are. Leon Small read a volunteer article
on the Oak Wilt Survey.

Rebecca Small, forethought committee, told us to dig oya
plant, and parsnips, seed wheat, dig glads bulbs, and plant
crocus and evergreens. She finished her report with her usual
appropriate poem, this one entitled "Song for the Seasons".

Our meteorologist, Edward Iddings, gave the report for
September, weather, 61 1/ with 1 1/2 inches of rain.

Several suggestions were made about trash along the road
side-- posting notices ect. and placing trash cans at strategic

Robert Miller read aeuology to Clarence Hurrey, our present
past member, and it was resolved to have it placed in the

Groaning tables of food, sparkling conversation, and
friendliness were a fitting climax to the end of the meeting
and a successful season.

Sylvia B. Woodward


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