Page 10
H/6/1961 -2-
The Meteorologist reported for May: Ave. High Temp. 69*
Highest 86* on the 9th; ave. Low 49*; Lowest 38* on the 4, 5th
and 28th; Mean temp. 59* for the month. Total rainfall 3.37 inches
measureable rain fell on 16 days.
Grace Thomas will serve as the Assistant Secretary and
read the list of exhibits as follows: Bien Venue had 13 wild
flowers in bloom which were very interesting and attractive;
Oakley had iris, lemon Lily, peonies and lessimicia(a yellow
flower in a spray; The Cottage had five kinds of columbine, pansies,
Sweet Williams, pinks, and Veronica; Fieldhead had peas, parsley,
onion, spinach, potatoes and tomato. The Cedars (see below) ***
Birds: Quail are eating strawberries; crows are eating
corn; something is eating petunia blooms. A crow repellant
made with creosote can be put in each hill of corn. Use gloves
to protect hands.
The names of Flora and Harry Goff were proposed and they will be
told that we would like them to become members if, after visiting,
they decide they want to join. The Secretary was asked to
inform them of this action and the Canbys will invite them to
the next meeting. Also, the committee will follow up on the
suggestion and approval to ask Bea and Claire Hutton to join.
The Northeast Montgomery County Council has held meetings
on zoning and public parks. There is not enough money for parks
as proposed.
Questions: The boxwood bush at Great Ease can be separated
at the roots. Cuttings of most box can be made in the spring.
Francis Thomas told of a method of putting large crocks filled
with water in between cucumber hills then using burlap bags
as wicks to convey the water to the plants.
Iris can be ordered from Oregon as well as Ohio.
Crows are a nuisance in some ares. To get rid of them,
shoot one and hang it up. This has worked for some people to
scare them away.
The next meeting will be at Fieldhead on July 4th. Ulric
and Rose Hutton will be asked to tell of their recent trip to the
As the Secretary will be away on vacation next time,
Elizabeth Ligon consented to serve.
Mary Moore Miller
The Cedars: Asparagus. rhubarb, three kinds of lettuce, radishes,
onions, parsley, strawberries, and a handsome white peony.
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