Page 16
Birds: A lark's neat in a pasture produces four
eggs for view; as a remedy for starlings, encourage the
squirrels to take over a tree. Isabel Wesley and just re-
turned from trip to the far west and she had noted slight
but distinct variations in the vestern birds from those in
the east.
The Membership comittee was/asked to consider a
family to fill one vacancy in our ranks.
Questions: Mr. Ulrich is a native of France now
living here. He spoke of the French only having to spray for
the potato bug, - also they have relatively few birds. They
are a/much older country than the U.S.A and he wonders why we
have ro spary so much here. Claire Hutton wondered how one
can take a two weeks vacation without the carbgrass and weeds
taking over the garden. The only suggestion was to take it
in winter!. Mulch to keep the weeds down. For lima beans with
some curled leaves try Malathien. A blight on chrysanthemums
may contamiate others so throw the affected ones away, -unless
it is caused by mematodes, in which case a little table suger
can be applied to the soil: also water,if very dry. Why do we say "Cool
as a cucumber"? Maybe because it looks cool when iced the power
of suggestion . Why did raspberry bushes die? Probably because
too wet. They need well drained ground. Also, don't send too
far from home when ordering plants. Irving Smith read a unique
recipe for a salad which included such things as tablespoons
of marigold blossems, 8 nastursiums, violet blossoms, etc.
Ruth Havens said they sprayed chloradane last year. She asked
if it would hurt the calk to walk on treated ground. It
is not likely to do so. Are there many persimmon trees
growing wild? The Wilsons, Isabel Wesley on the Ulrichs
have seen some in the community. At least one kind ripens
before frost. There were lots if moles in a yard last year.
The castor oil plant was recommended but did not appeal
artistically so castor oil was applied to wads of cotton and
put in holes which seened to work. Chlordane will also help
kill them. It was noted that there are also few insects in
Nova Scotia, and the English do not have to spray roses. We
used to have wild strawberries. Do we still? Yes, but they
are past now. They are trying to tame down the scent of
the Regal lily which is so pungent as to make people sick.
Tulip bulbs may be dug now if new growth has not started. It
is not necessary to let them dry before replanting them. To
get rid of the big hornet's nest in a holly tree spray with
DDT at night. For an expert landscape person, Mr. Duplan
was rerecommended.
As readers for next time, Grace Thomas and Ellis
Manning were apponited and we adjourned to meet with the
Bentleys at "Oakley".
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