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OAKLEY Sept. 5, 1961

Although it was one of those very hot days, we were able
to forget it in the cool comfort of this attractive home. We
"drank in" the beauty of the many holly trees raised by the
Bentleys and enjoyed the gardens and well groomed lawns. At
supper,-bountiful as always, some of us were fortunate to sit
at the table with our host who described the old firearms
and the other curios/on the wall which spoke to himeof people of the past-and present- to whom they had belonged.

In the absence of the President, who was "on the job",
tThe Vice President called us to order and the minutes of 8-1-61
were read and approved. Ellis Manning read an article by Beverly\
Nichols on "Take Time Out to Enjoy Your Garden". We may become
slaves to it if we are not careful, and find ourselves walking
into it with a sense of duty, rather than one of delight. Try
relaxing in a hammock with nothing between you and the sky or
play croquet and let time drift by slowly and peacefully. Eat
out of doors in chairs and from tABLES THAT ARE FIXTURES in
the garden not far from the house. Braziers can supply heat
in cold weather. It is folly to think only of weeds , constantly.

As a volunteer article or exhibit, Buzzy Hussman passed
around an old copy of the Breeders Gazette for Sept. 11,1901-
about 60 years old. Articles on cattle breeding were similar
to those of to-day. This proved to be very interesting.

The list of exhibits showed as usual that they eat well
at tThe Cedars from corn, several kinds of tomatoes, squash,
lima beans, egg plant, peppers, parsley, pumpkins, apple and
cantaloupe. Ulric's mallows were gorgeous and he had lovely
glads. The Canby's roses of several varieties were beautiful. Ulric also had franklinia and Kusa dogwood. The
mMannings had a bowl of pear tomatoes. One of the loveliest
exhibits was the beautiful arrangement of apricot glads on
the dining room table, contributed by a guest, Mrs. Souder.

Sylvia's Forethought jogged us up as to what we should
do about planting daffodils now and other bulbs later this
month; storing onlty perfect fruit; taking house plants in doors;
seeding new lawns; planting perrenials; ceasing feeding and
cultivating roses; bringing in tomato plants to hang them -fruit
and all;

Questions: What can be done for scraggly geraniums?
If you dont want to bloom, hang them in the cellar(cool). For
blooming, cut them back to about 8 inches and leave them out
doors for a while longer. How many cantaloupes did Douglas
Earquhar raise this|year? Over 100. Dust of some kinds could
make them taste of them. Harvest Queen was the best variety
this year. Delicious is usually best. Raymond Havens did
research on last months question "Cool as a Cucumber". It first
appeared in a play by Beaumont and Fletcher in 1600 as "Cold
as a cucumber". The Havens have had an increase in Japanese
beetles. Chlorodane in the soil is helpful against them. Cut
back phlox for a second bloom below the first one. Spray

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