Page 51
It was suggested that these garden might be exhibited at
the meeting in October. members are asked to bring
garden exhibits in October and antique horticultual
Our meteorologist has returned and gave
his reportm which is attached. Rainfall was 5..65
inches, which was gratefully received by all our gardens.
Sylvia gave the forethought; manure the
strawberry bed and prepare to set out plants. Prepare
soil for bulbs and plant immediately on receipt.
Take in house plants. Slips of verbena, petunia,
lantana make good house plants
Birds: All birds, except sparrows are planing to
leave us. Mr. Wilson told an unusual and delightful
experience regarding the friendliness of a humming
bird. He was cutting zinnieas when the bird lit on
them; the bird watched him, looked him over;
He looked the bird over and then it flew away.
Members are asked to make suggestions for membership.
Questions: As to why zinnieas grow so tall
before blooming, it was suggested this may be
caused by too much water, too much shade or
the variety may just be tall.
Mr/ Wilson has had large brown spots in his
lawn, which are said by the Univ. of Md. to be caused
by a fungus. Spread a good fungicide powder, then
spray again in two weeks, and rake; replant with
merion blue grass.
Edward Iddings asked about the cornus cousa
branch brought by the Huttons. This a chinese variety
There are dozens of varieties of dogwoods
Betty Ligon wondered whether asparagus coming
after a rain should be cut. NO. She did not.
Chicken is concerned about the dying oak tree
acroos from the cottage. It is not a pin oak and
there are a number of oak trees dying in the
Caroline has been asked by the Librarian
to what garden magazine should be in the library.
Flower Grower was suggested. Someonesuggested
Sunset but it is devoted to the west coast.
Some one asked if the Holld Society had a magaizine
of suggicient interest.
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