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Status: Indexed


101st year 2d meeting
May 1964

Helen and Jack Bentley entertained Horticulture
the first Tuesday in May at the Community
. This was the second meeting of the society
in its 101st year.

After partaking of the food, which was generous
in all departments except desserts, and this
limitation delightfully supplemented by the
out of this world creamy mints brought by
the guests Mr. and Mrs. Souder, the President opened
the meeting. He welcomed our new memebers Wendy
and Clive Lawrence whose garden interest and garden
lore many of us have enjoyed.

Ellis Manning read from Beverly Nichol's
new garden book GARDEN OPEN TODAY, which is
informative as well as delightful. Ellis selected
Mr. Nichols guides and cautions on the tree planting.
Mr. Nichols reminds us that the nursery man can not
do all your work. Your responsibility begins when
the tree arrives and it is highly essential
that you have the right mental attitude. Here you have
on your hands a hospital case to be given immediate
attention. The little tree has been through a
surgical operation. It is all wrapped in bandages
and has been forced perhaps to stand up for several
days without food or water. Prepare your soil
to a two feet depth, not just deep enough to crowd
the roots in. Dig in a little o mpost. Get some one
to help you plant it, unless you are an expert nursery
man. As one plants the other person must juggle it
so the loose soil gets around the roots. Stake
it, and put your stake in as you plant. Staking is
vital. The tree is in a state of convalescense
and it may not survive the wintery winds if it is
constantly windrocked. With these instructions
the tree should live.

With Sylvia's resignation. Horticulture
was without a Forethoughter. The president quickly
remedied this by appointing Bea Wilson, whose
garden demostrates what we have in store. But
Bea and Walter were absent so again we had
no advice for us to heed the coming weeks.

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