Page 19




Status: Indexed


that the neighborhood is greatly indebted to
Edward. They were delicious.

Other questions related to mulberries and
figs. Clive Lawrence wanted to know what to do with
mulberries. Mary Moore, who has red, white
and purple ones says they are good. to get As to
how slip a fig tree, take a branch, weight
it down with a rock on top of dirt and after
breaking the bark; cover with earth and wait.
It will root. This is layering. When it roots
out it off and plant it. Pete said you may
look xxx at it in a month; if not rooted cover it
up and wait again.

Jack Bentleyannounced that the next meeting would
be with the Ulrich Huttons, the reader Mary
Moore Miller

Meeting Adjourned

L. Manning Secretary

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