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The Huttons'
Aug. 4, 1964
It is always a treat for the Horticultural Society to
meet in the veritable Botanical Garden which surrounds this
attractive home. The great variety and luxuriant growth
on all sides as one walked over the grounds made "envy" come
very near the surface for one person, and no doubt for many
others present. The host's willing answers to the many
questions enriched the experience for all of us. The food
was varied and ample as usual and served its purpose in
the hospitable setting provided by the hostess.
The minutes of 7-7-64 were read and approved after the
regrets for her absence were expressed for the Secretary.
The President welcomed our guests,- Eleanor Miller Webb
of Montclair, N. J. and Louise Kricker Megginson of Beaumont,
Texas,-& Alan & Dale Thomas(hopefully to be new members)
Douglas Farquhar gave the Meteorologist's report for
July: Highest 7-2- 92' Ave. high 84' (same high in '63)
Lowest 7-5&10 58' Ave. low 66' ( low in '63 63)
Mean temp. 75'
Measureable rain on 8 days totalled 1.88 in. Most rain
was on 7-13 .88 in. He added that 1-36 in. fell on 8-3-64.
Mary Moore Miller bowed out as a reader in favor of
pictures to be shown by John Weske later in the evening.
Among the exhibits was an unusual spray of bocconia
brought by the Lawrences. It has a feathery appearance and
the seeds dry brown for winter making a nice dried plant
for arrangements. In spite of fdry weather it has done well.
John Weske enjoyed seeing a mother and 5 wild ducklings
near the road in a swamply section of Ohio. A scarlet tanager
has been seen at Roslyn, blue birds at the Austin's(building
in a Martin's box), two trumpter swans at Yellowstone Park
(by Alan & Dale Thomas), purple martins in a wren house after
the hole had been made larger by squirrels, at the Ligonss.
Questions: Ulric Hutton passed a piece of wood around
the group for identification. Some guessed correctly,- holly.
A comment in place of a question by a member that this
place was "beyond description".
The Lawrences' crepe myrtle is 7 or 8 years old and has
never bloomed. The answers were varied as to best conditions
and he decided he might have to move to Richmond, Va. or the
Eastern Shore of Md. with it to get it to bloom. He claimed he can cut
it to the ground without harm to it. and Some colors are hardier
than others.
Are bee stings good for rheumatism? Some believe it.
How do you get large blooms on roses? Feed every month
and water freely.
Louise Megginson has two camillias-one lovely, one
nearly dead. Try soluable fish fertilizer. on the weak one especially
Dorothy Weske wondered if Dreers Nursery is still in
business. No one could tell her. She sees the blue morning
glory leaves being eaten. No one could help her on this.
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