Page 21




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Harry Goff was "thrilled" by the plantings here at the Huttons', and
asked the age of a blue spruce. Ulric estimated 30 years old.

Alan Thomas asked advice to kill red bugs on young
leaves of a maple trees. Use DDT or Malathion. If it is
a sucking bug, then you use a contact insecticide.

Francis Thomas considered it a treat to visit this
loveley place.

Flora Goff was told to cut out the 1st canes of her red
raspberries when the begin to dry up.

Helen Bentley said they are enjoying theHarris seed corn planted at
the same time but maturing to give a successsion of good crop.

Edward Iddings had been introduced to organic fertilizer
by the Ashton Nurseries and likes it.

John Weske who is a memeber of the Wilderness Society
showed us gorgious moving pictures of the Sierra Mts. We
travelled through wild flower "gardens", the rain forrests,
along glaciers, and by the oceanside. We heard the plea to help preserve
the natural beauty of our country for posterity. We saw bad
results of cutting timber, and mining where the ore had run out
leaving sores on the land. Our raw materials are waning. The
photography was beautifully done and left us breathless with
a taste of the beauty available when nature can "have her way".
We are grateful to John for bringing this treat to us.

We adjourned to meet in September at Gracelyn with the
Thomases (Francis and Grace). The reader will be Elizabeth

Mary Moore Miller
Sec'y Pro Tem

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