Page 7
May -1965(cont) H/5/1965-2-
Douglas Farquhar reported on April's weather, showing an averagelow
temperature of 39° vs. 42° a year ago. Average high was 60°
vs. 61°, which gave us a mean temperature for the month of 50° compared
with last year's 52°. April 3rd was the coldest with 23° and
April 30th the warmest with 78°. Measurable rain occurred on 13 days
in each year, with 2.37 inches this year vs. 4.48 last year.
Our Assistant Secretary, Helen Bentley, read an amazing list
of beautiful exhibits, but please don't be surprised if this Secretary
has omitted or misspelled some of them! The Wilson's brought a
"wild" collection including the following: Alaskan Marigold, Solomon's
Seal, Trillium, Spring Beauty, Columbine, Virginia Bluebells, Wood
Anemone, Jacob's Ladder, Wild Finger, Dogwood, Redbud, Aronia and
Rhubarb (wild?). The Farquhars brought asparagus, Rhubarb, Lettuce
and Tomato seedlings. Edward Iddings had English Snow Drop, Sultana
and Scilla, while the Weske's brought Fuchsia. ‘The Ligon's had Asparagus,
and Chicken Kricker brought purple Lilac, purple Iris,white
Viburnum, Flowering Almond and Tulips. Bea Hutton brought Dogwood,
purple Lilac, Magnolia and Redbud. Helen Bentley had a collection
of Pink and White Lilacs, Azaleas, Redbud, Double Cherry or Pearl
Bush, Egyptian Rose, Lillies of the Valley and Asparagus. President
Ulric and Rose Hutton brought Dogwood, Fothergillia, Mahonia, Viburnum,
Crab, Cherry, Redbud, Magnolia, Flowering almond, Silver Bells
and a Quince Flower.
On the subject of Birds, Bob Miller has his red-headed woodpeckers
back again. Ruth Havens told of the sorry plight of her favorite
Flicker whose nest was taken over by those nasty Starlings
after 16 loads of nesting material had been gathered. Wendy Lawrence
saw a beautiful flock of Swans going over her place, truly a rare
sight in these parts. Helen Bentley reported that Jack had seen
Geese going North as early as February 15th. She herself saw Gulls
following Lethbridge's plowing in back of her place. Betty Ligon
has a Baltimore Oriole coming to her feeder.
The Secretary read a letter of resignation from Chicken Kricker,
who is moving later in June near Bethany Beach, Delaware. We will
miss her contagious smile and ready wit, and we will all have a place
for her at our collective tables when she cares to visit. The Secretary
was instructed to write accepting her resignation with extreme
regret. Betty Ligon also included an invitation to Chicken to attend
the June Meeting at Great Ease, which has been done and copy attached.
President Ulric suggested that in deference to Lucy Manning's
absence we defer discussion on her project about roadside clearance
and the "Keep Maryland Beautiful Committee". Bea Wilson will bring
in names of people in Rockville to whom we may write to get County
action in certain spots. Others have noted much improvement in certain
areas after such letters have been written. Raymond Havens suggested
that bottle and can manufacturers be made to charge for their
containers so that people would return them for the money involved.
In a certain tested area, this plan collected 87% of original sales.
John Weske wanted to know if the County could be persuaded to
defer cutting the roadsides until after the day lillies had a chance
to bloom. He was promptly authorized to write to the County asking
them to skip the lillies and other patches of roadside flowers. John
has been supervising some community work groups from Friends School
and others, who are looking around for such work as community house-
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