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July 6-1965 - In our 102nd Year
At "Bien Venu" with Walter and Bea Wilson

To one who was entering the spacious grounds through the curved driveway
for the first time, the panoramic view unfolding before him
as though every tree,, bush, flower, fence, and wall were in its proper
place, and had been that way forever. It didn't seem possible
that all these beauty was hewn out of a jungle in less than thirty
years, and yet your Secretary can remember going down the old dirt
road to cross the narrow, but swiftly moving, Patuxent river over
the old Green's Bridge. Man and Nature can make tremendous changes
in a very short time.

It is just not possible to enumerate all the variety of plants
and flowers growing around the house and lawns. Suffice to say that
we all took longer than usual to admire the Wilsons' landscape. After
the usual delicious supper, most of us wandered outside again until
our Vice-President, Francis Thomas, finally called the Society to
order at 8:10 p.m. The absentees were Jack Bentley, Rust and Liz
, Harry and Flora Goff, President Ulric and Rose Hutton, Claire
, John and Dorothy Weske.

Our Vice-President gave a warm and enthusiastic greeting to our
oldest guest, Miss Tibby Such who is over 90, visiting "The Cedars"
and was a lifelong friend of Helen Hallowell. Upon being asked for
a few remarks, Miss Such replied that "she had eaten too much dinner
to be responsible for what she might say". Helen Bentley's sister,
Miss Esther Murray was again welcomed as a guest also.

with unamious consent, Francis Thomas called first for the
weather report, in order to allow "The Cedars" people in an early departure
in preparation for their trip to New York tomorrow. Douglas
report was very similar to that of a year ago. Lowest
temperature was 48o on 2 different days, while the average low of
59o comapred with 60o last year. June 23rd's high of 90o was three
degrees less in 1964, while our average high was 77o vs. 81o last
year. This year's mean temperature for June was 68o vs. 70o last
year. The month's total rainfall was 2.75 inches, exactly the same
as a year ago, bringing the six month total to 20.13 inches, only
slightly less than normal for half a year.

The minutes of the previous meeting were then read and accepted.
Lucy Manning's trash collection project was briefly discussed, as
Bea Wilson reminded us of an article in the June Reader's Digest telling
us of West Virginia's tremendous effort to become one of our
cleanest states. It was suggested that the Secretary procure this
article for the Reader at the August meeting.

Clive Lawrence, our Reader for the evening, brought us a very
refreshing article from the London "Journal of the Royal Horticultural
Society" on the "Children's Gardens in the Brooklyn Botanic
Garden". Under the care and guidance of the Trustees of the Botanic
Garden, children from nine years on through high school participate
in this program of early spring greenhouse instruction and work,
followed by the actual cultivation of individual outdoor gardens.
Since it began in 1914, this 50-year old project has changed little

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