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Douglas Farquhar asked how many were going to the Gaithersburg
Fair later this month and if anyone was going to exhibit? The local
4-H Clubs and possibly a few others would be there.

Lucy Manning: What is the difference between the types of Peat
Moss? Mostly the various stages of deterioration, and Spagnum,
which may not be rotted, seems to be the best.

Clive Lawrence asled what is Mary Moore Miller now making?
She is knitting a hammock.

Wendy Lawrence: Should I have the energy to dig daffodils now or later,
and when should they be planted? They should be dug now,
dried and wait until after a rain in September to plant them, which
should be earlier than Tulips.

Helen Bentley wanted to know how they treated the asparagus
worms at the Ligons? It seems that some of the old plants were
tied up with the binder twine, which incidentally made them look better,
and they sprayed the new shoots as they came up.

Edward Iddings asked why his neighbors' Dahlias were not blooming?
Maybe they were dwarf plants. Did I get this answer straight?

Helen Farquhar's Amaryllis has not shown up yet, why? Maybe
the ground is too dry and hard. They are soasmodic nyway, and someone
said that Douglas may have ut them down with the mower.

In answer to the Secretary's query about the word "Bocconia",
some of which was on display last month, it seems that it is an old fashioned plant somewhat like the cabbage family.

It seemed to be the consensus of opinion that there were very
few Japanese Beetles in the neighborhood this year. On this happy
thought the Society was adjourned at 9:25 pm. to meet with the
Hussman's next month at Roslyn.

Alan F. Thomas
Alan F Thomas, Secretary

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