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Page 2.

When President Ulric Huton asked about bird stores, Bea
started to tell about a Bluebird article in the Woman's Day,
until Flora Goff asked her to wait until next month because she
intended to use the article as part of her own reading program.
Betty Ligon commented that both sparrows and cardinals had been
seen feeding their young on her feeder. Douglas Farquhar reminded
us of the habit of Ospreys washing their feet in the water and that
their tremendous wingspread helped them perform this "feat". Ulric
had seen them up in the Adirondacks.

There were no Committee reports, no old business, no new business
and no questions from the hosts. Douglas Farquhar reminding
us if the recent Gaithersburg Fair, pointed out some of our local
talent in the lamb judging contests, with the Meyers, the Ligons,
Better grey and others winning prizes. He thought that the vegetable
display was excellent this year, and remarked that this was
now the largest County Fair in Maryland.

Harry Goff says that Maple trees are not necessarily blighted
but that they need to be fed and trimmed.

Mary Reading has lots of seed pods on early Magnolias; should
they be cut off? Not after they are formed, but some thought it
would make no difference.

Betty Ligon wondered if she had chipmunks or voles in her
rose bed. Not having seen either one, we couldn't answer her.

Helen Farquhar reported that her Amaryllis did come up the
very next day after having questioned us about it last month.

Lucy Manning asked if English Holly has Yellow? Yes, and many
colors but it would not be hardy.

Walter Wilson was too comfortable to think of any questions.

Mary Moore Miller has new grass seed coming up in various
spots; should it be watered? Don't start watering unless you keep
it up continually, for it should be able to start itself.

Bea Hutton found a bag of fertilizer on the road; when should
she use it? Considering the many other things she has found beside
the road, including beer cans and two dollars, she is lucky it was
not a dead dog in the sack. She was advised to spread it after a
light snowfall, if at all usable.

Dale Thomas wonders if she should trim off the lower green
branches of her variagated holly bush. The discoloration is a sign
of anemia, but branches should not be trimmed unless a definite improvement
in shape is desired.

Having completed the question period, we settled back to enjoy
a trip to Europe with Claire Hutton and her slides.

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