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Bea Wilson was so full and bubbling over with "Forethought"
that your Secretary had a hard time keeping up with her. Among
other things she reminded us to sow seeds for early plants in the
house, to get rid of chickweed, repair your lawnmowers, prepare
the compost pile, plant a highly resistant tomato the Enterprize
available at Beltsville, fertilize peonies and other plants, remove
mounds from your roses and make a final pruning of peach trees as
the blossoms open. She suggested planting the "Madcap" Hollyhock
seeds now to have early Fall blooms. Sycamores are being used in
place of Elms as shade trees, there are new hybrid Pansies of more
than three inches in diameter, the Chrysler Imperial Rose now has
the best fragrance in five years and the Red Monarch Sweet William
is now an annual.
Liz Canby, our Assistant for the evening, read the list of
exhibits as follows: the Mannings brought Andromeda, Magnolia, Plum
and Jonquils; The Wilsons had Nasturtiums and Hen & Chicks; Pansies
and Parsley were brought by the Farquhars; the Ulric Huttons had
Pieris Florinbunda, Pieris Japonica and Daffodils; the Canbys had
Cabbage, Turnips and Kale, while the Thomases had some Kale; Claire
and Bea Hutton brought 3 varieties of Jonquils, White Myrtle, Purple
Myrtle Johnny-Jump-Ups and Hyacinth; and the Ligons had 10 vari-
eties of Daffodils, as well as from their greenhouse 4 kinds of Be-
gonias, 2 Geraniums, Calla Lily, 2 Stocks, 2 Orchids, Lantana and
some Fuchsia.
The Ligons have songsparrows and the Weskes have purple
finches, while other members mentioned seeing Gulls, Juncos, Larks,
Blackbirds, Red Bellied Woodpeckers, Tohees, Cardinals, and many
various types of Sparrows.
As required in our By-Laws, the Secretary read the By-Laws
and Resolutions at this first meeting of the year. A discussion
arose on the 5th Resolution which states: "That the day before each
meeting every family shall report to the hostess how many from that
house expect to attend". Betty Ligon closed the discussion with the
resolution: "Members should notify the hostess if they cannot attend
a meeting". The members present agreed on this proposal to be voted
upon at the next meeting.
Questions: Mary Reading has a Nandina which is green and
lovely on one side only, leaves on the other side were frost-bitten.
Also, she notified us that Mrs Brewster is anxious to get a Man-
Gardener to "live in" at Olney Inn.
Bob Miller announced the Olney Theatre Play "Come Blow Your
Horn", to be shown later this month, is being partly sponsored by
the Sandy Spring Lions Club and he has tickets for sale.
Pete Ligon noted that winer killed foliage is mostly above
the snow but not below it. He needs a suitable container for Water-
melon and Cantaloup seeds. One-half of milk carton is good to use
but "Peat" Pots should work out best.
Betty Ligon: Should we spray roses with a regular spray now?
Get a good fungicide first. She also has squirrels climbing up her
pipes, but we couldn't do much about that!
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