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Lucy Manning's Mahonia plant seems to be drying up, does it
need water? All kinds of conditions cause failure before bees fly.
John Weske: Do mice like Bloodroot? No, its just too early.
What is the best method for him to use on his annual boxes in the
house, Peat Moss or white sand? No real answer, but moisture can
be retained under plastics. Petunias need moisture and to be watched
once a day. Spagnum moss can be used also. Pete would use Hutton
steamed garden soil. He has a 1920 washing machine that steams a
full wheelbarrow load at a time.
Miss Hunter says that England has too much water and they
have difficulty finding plants to grow in water.
Helen Farquhar noted that Edward Iddings exhibit was left
out of the list and it should be shown. It turned out to be a
beautiful Waxplant, a member of the Tropical Asclepias family.
Caroline Hussman has an overgrown Yew bush, should she cut
or prune it? It can be moved and some do prune theirs every year.
In England they shape their Yew hedges. Can you suit your own eye
until growth comes in? Yes, cut vigorously and shape to suit self.
Dale Thomas wanted to know if anyone had used liquid kelp?
No one had any experiences yet, but let her try it and tell us.
Betty Ligon asked about Alan's indoor tomato plants. They
are tropical tree tomatoes, and supposedly will bear delicious
fruit in another year. He has his fingers crossed.
Dorothy Weske suggested keeping scrapbooks on our Forethought.
The group decided it was not feasible now. She told of the people
in Utah eating no greens, generally existing on meat, potatoes, corn.
Ulric Hutton told of the Jimson Weed poisoning of children.
It seems that certain Tennessee nurseries were grafting tomato plants
on the Jimson weeds, which is definitely poisonous to people. This
topic created a lively discussion and description of the poisonous
weeds around here.
The President finally adjourned the meeting 9:40 pm to
meet again in May at The Windrush, with Commander and Mrs Clive
Lawrence in Burtonsville.
Alan F. Thomas, Secretary
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