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Lucy Manning wanted to know if asparagus broke where it was
tender, and should it be cut or broken from the bed? She was told
it should be cut with a knife just below the ground, then it could
be broken wherever it could be for use in cooking.

Betty Ligon: Can African violets be started by leaves? Some
say yes, some say no. Is it worth while to build Martin houses?
Definitely yes; they always become populated wherever used.

Harry Goff remarked on the beautiful holly trees in Jack's
grove; how does he raise them so nice and thick and where could I
get some? Jack says that pruning makes them thicken up right, and
he sells cuttings for Christmas time. Harry says he wants the big
ones fully grown, so our President says he has the big ones for sale
but they would be very expensive.

Speaking of pruning, reminded Rose Souder of the effective
and easy pruning done for us this year by the freezing weather on
the Azaleas. She wondered if it didn't leave the remaining flowers
much larger. Lucy Manning's white azaleas, the Snow variety, were
not so good this year, but it may have been because there were too
many lace bugs.

Harry Goff mentioned the collection of the Montgomery Gen-
eral Hospital's Building and likened it to a slow growing tree.
Many people have spent much time and effort already in raising the
amount of $582,000 pledged to date, but it may take several years
to go over the neccessary million dollar mark just to get started.

Mary Moore Miller informed us that the new Sandy Spring
Civic Group would be having its next meeting at the Community House
on next Wednesday evening. The theme would be planning housing im-
provement and modernizing, while trying to maintain low density of
housing units around Sandy Spring.

There being no further questions, the meeting adjourned at
9:30 pm, to meet in July with Dale and Alan Thomas at Rocky Ridge.

Alan F. Thomas, Secretary

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