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Hutton- the Thomases- Alan that is- Ligons and Walter Wilsons. And
Mary Moore Miller had a Grimes Golden apple picked in
Sept. amd kept in the refridgerator. It was in good condition,
and the tree had not been sprayed.
During the bird discussion Flora Goff reported that
the sparrows and the blue birds are fighting for possession
of the home they have provided with blue birds in mind.
Helen Farquhar said a Carolina Wren has built a nest on a
shelf in the play house in their yard. There seems to be a
great number of birds this year- many varieties were reported
togehter with 3 deer and a flock of pheasants seen
by Alan Thomas.
The president appointed a new membership committee :
Alan Thomas, chairman with Elizabeth Ligon and Mary Moore
Miller. They will bring in the names of two new families at
the May meeting.
Before asking for questions we welcomed two guests-
Iris Beall and June Thomas Lemke. It was also noted that the
only abesntees were the the two families whose resignations were
on the desk.
Mary Moore Miller was told it is not too late to trim
roses- and it was also noted that roses have had a hard winter-
many have been lost.
Flora Goff told of a poinestta, given her at Christmas- w
which is still blooming- not having lost a leaf- it has been on
a table in the hall- with no sun.
Iris asked if it is now time to put out her geraniums for
the voles to eat. They distroyed them all last year. She
was advised to leave the plants in the pots- sinking the pots
in the ground, to ground level.
Elizabeth Canby has bought some prennial gloxenia-
and asked if anyone had tried them. No one had, and we will
be interested in keeping tract of them. She got them at Benke's
and was told they did well in semi-shade.
Caroline Hussman asked about the best red raspberries
to plant. John Weske recommended some he got years ago from
The Highlands, but no one knows the name.
And so another delightfull meeting closed, and another
year was begun, and we adjourned to meet on May 2nd- with
Bea and Clair Hutton- with Elizabeth Canby as reader.
Mary Reading Miller - Secty.
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