Page 13
August 1st- 1967
GREAT EASE with Garland and Elizabeth Ligon
It was rather cloudy- and quite warm when we met at Great Ease-
abd after enjoying the extensive gardens- bother flower and vegetable
we also enjoyed the usual good dinner.
We were called to order at the usual time by our President
Ellis Manning- who greeted our new members, William and Zela
Heckendorn- and out guests, Bob and Nell Johnsen-
The minutes of the July Meeting were read and approved.
Alan Thomas had for his selected article one of #Fragrance in
the garden", from Taylor's Garden Guide. The use of perfume is
ancient- the Arabs and Persians of the early day having the banquet
floors strewn to the depth of the wine glass with fragrant rose petals.
And so through the ages gardens have been cultivated for their
seetness as well as beauty. The fragrant night garden is especially
desirable- many of which are white- many familliar flowers were
named, but we also contributed several not named by Mr.Taylor.
Many of the most common fragrants are used and blended for the ingredients
for the expensive perfumes. He outlined a method for
"do it" yourself" perfume to be made at home- but we decided to economize
on something else, and continue to buy our perfume.
onimize on something else, and continue to buy our perfume.
Many reminiscences and comments followed this interesting article.
Caroline Hussman read an article from Dr. Seibert of Longwood
Gardens about smog and its effect on gardens and trees- which is
not good. He listed some which seen impervious to it.
William Heckendorn told of the research the Space Program is
doing to reconstitute the ir in the big labs reaching for the moon.
Douglas Farquhar reported the average high temperature for July
was 81, the highest being 88 and the low55- with mesurable rain
on 1/4 days totaling 5.5 inches.
Mary Moore Miller, Assistant Secretary, told us there were exhibits
from:- Rocky Ridge, The Cedars, The Highlands, The Cottage, Oakwood,
Bien Venu, Claire and Bea Hutton- and from the Heckendorns a most
beautiful fasket with many varieties of lettuce. Mary Moore had an
apple she wanted identified and after sampling it Betty Ligon
diagnosed it summer rambo.
Dorothy Weske is, for the third year , enjoying a nest of
Phoebes,and is especially entertained by the attention of the
QUESTION: Clematis can be cut back in the fall to a foot-
and dead dead wood should be cut out at any time- however it does not
have to be cut back unless it has become unsightly.
John Weske's peach trees have so many other trees around
them that they are growing too tall- when should he trim them -
This should be done in the late winter.
Plant strawberries the last of August.
Buz Hussman spoke of the very large trees which are being moved-
and which has prompted him to consider putting out a grove
to cultivate for the sale- he asked the opinion of the club- and asked
for suggestions of varieties. It met with general approval- and
several kinds were were recommended- but he was advised to get in contact
with The Maryland Department off Forests and Parks.
Dale Thomas asked about putting grass clippings on the
compost. It is all right, but watch out for spontanious combustion-
especially if the pile is near a building.
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