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made etc. Education seems the only way- as the collecting just
is temporary- as the litter is constantly being thrown out. It
will cost a lot of money to have it done by the County or State.
Ohio uses a machine which vacuums the road- but it is very
expensive. Men on utility trucks are seen to throw their
lunch papers and refuse out on the road- t ey have been spoken
to- but maybe should be reported to their companies. We decided
to do nothing at this time except try to find out something,
bringing it up again next month.

Elizabeth Ligon asked Sylvia about the arbutus. Some
was in the woods when they moved there- she planted more at
that time- 2 years ago- and it has spread. She also asked
William Heckenddorn if watercress will grow from plants.
Yes it will- they started it from seeds and it has grown and multiplied
very fast.

The Savings Institution will celebrate its one
hundredth anniversary on Saturday, April 13th- from two to five-
and will be glad to have us come at that time. They are the first
bank chartered in the Co.

The Heckendorns would like to entertain us in
August with a "corn boiling". It is usual for new members to
wait over a year before entertaining the club- but as they want
to have us- we will arrange to change the program in order to
fit them in. It will be announced at the next meeting.

We adjourned to meet with Ulric and Rose Hutton- with
Flora Goff the reader in May.

Mary Reading Miller, Secty.

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