Bea Wilson had a picture of a vole.
Lucy Manning wanted to know if the foilage of
peonies should be cut when they are transplanted- yes.
Dale was told you can slip prenniel phlox-
when the little sheets put out- cut them and use for slips.
It can also be divided.
Vernon Hussman allowed, "it may be pretty hot-
but you don't have to shovel it!"
Ulric Hutton called our attention to a pub-
lication prepared by the Entomology department of The University
of Maryland- called Maryland Insect Notes- telling of the
Bug of the week. It comes out every week- and would be a
most helpful reference to have.
Elizabeth Ligon had a spoon marked with a "J"
which was left at her Horticultural.
Dorothy Weske has an umbrella someone left
at her house.
Adjourned to meet at The Cedars with Elizabeth
Canby as the reader.
Mary Reading Miller, Secty.
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