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Status: Complete

Climatologist A.D.Farquhar reported a high of 76degrees
March 4th., a low of 20 on the I3th., an average high of
54, average low 20.. Rainfall 3 1/2 inches, measurable rain
on 5 days.

February had been 4 or 5 degrees colder than usual,
by 1 to 1 1/2 degrees.


A Parsley plant apiece ready to plant from Rocky Ridge
M.R. Miller Pansies, MM. Miller flowers, Mrs Mannakee spirea, Goffs
Camellias, Narcissi, Betty Ligon 3 kinds of magnolia, 15
of Narcissi, Huttons 2 varieties of magnolia, Tom Canby
Hibiscus, Weske a plant of agaratum, Farquhars Pansies,
crocus, blue bottle, .

Bird REport.

Blue-birds punched the time-clock for Spring at 40)clock
today knowing that Flora would report them to the Horticultural

Tom Harrison is puzzled by 2 small all yellow birds. Sed
Weske thinks they could be gold finches undergoing color
change, if their tails are not long. This is the year for
Pine Siskins, a small streaked bird with a very sharp bill.
Claire has seen only 1 or 2 Evening Grosbeaks .. Are they
scarce this year? Yes ..

There were no Committee reports or new business.


Mary Seiler is puzzled because the Stock plants that she
and Jim have are very vigorous and leafy with no bloom.
Tom Harrison says that this is typical, and that they may
bloom this year.

Tom related his sad experience with tomato plants being
killed by water with softener in it..

No help was given Jess Canby about large muddy bumps in
their lawn.


Auction for Patuxent Valley Environmental Association at
St. Lukes on May 18th.

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