Page 13




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While relaxing in the calm before the evening's meal, a
group of us sighted a piliated woodpecker flying across the
Hussman's field.
Lydia Haviland reported hearing an owl late one night
unusually close to her house.
Harking back to the minutes of a century ago, Caroline
drew attention to the doom & gloom regarding the
overwhelming threat that english sparrows represented in
regards to our more valuable birds. One hundred years later
we still have plenty of lovely and virtuous avian friends
despite the profusion of vile, pushy, prolific, feathered
vermin such as starlings and English sparrows.
Ellen Hartge reports a Baltimore Oriole nest near her house.
Also mentioned was the ballpark orioles going a full 14
innings the night before thus setting some sort of endurance
record as well as accomplishing a rare win.

The redundancy committee reports 27 complete years of
Society minutes coded into the participants computers.

Edwina Earp has 2 patches of Dutch iris. Both are 2 years
old but one patch has flowered nicely but the other with
normal foliage had flowers that rotted and otherwise failed.
No impassioned advice was forthcoming but it was suggested
that she sprinkle the patches with lime and sulfa dust. In
the dormant season maybe dig up the patch and roll the roots in the same powder before replanting.
Harold Earp has asparagus beetles in his asparagus patch.
Two solutions were offered: chickens and sevin.
Tom Farguhar needs blue bird houses. Advised to call Francis
. He also lamented his strawberries who have problems
with birds, beetles, and mold. Advised to put in more
plants and hope for good weather. On an iris question he
was advised to trim the flowers but not too far back.
Mary Seller complains that house finches have taken over
feeders meant for goldfinches. What to do short of armed
defense. Recommended that she tape up the holes above the
perches - house finches wouldn't like the arrangement but
goldfinshes can eat upside-down and thuse would be
Lydia Haviland drew our attention to a Christmas cactus she
has that blooms year round. Other Society members mentioned
Christmas cactuses the've know that behave in similar
Buzz mentioned the Sheep and Wool Festival and the success
it was. He drew attention to Peter Hagerty of the Peace
Fleece endeavor. Your humble secretary met this individual
and found him to be personable, bright, on the idealistic
side but with unimpeachable motivations regarding relations
between the Soviet Union and the United States..
Caroline Hussman has tiny mites in her herb patch. Advised
to cut and burn afflicted plants in hopes that new growth
with spring forth free of mites.

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