Page 18




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Tom Canby brought up the ancient question of when to stop
cutting asparagus and why do they heel over before the first
wind. Stop cutting when you begin picking peas in earnest -
about now. Staking could help limit their tendency to fall
Nell Johnsen asked about the sycamore trees and why they all
look so stricken and diseased. Unhealthy appearance
attributed to fungus that attacks during an early stage of
leaf development if conditions are wet enough. Tree will
recover as season progresses. She also asked about Roundup
- said to be strong but well prone to decompose into
harmless elements.
Helen Farquhar asked if it was too late to plant
nasturtims. Advised to plant now without too much delay.
Keep in mind that they like full sun. Transplanting was
possible but operation had to be done with considerable
Iduna Hanel has ailing dogwoods - trees look sickly, the
trunk are turning black and the leaves have little brown
spots. Recommended that she go to the Extension Service
with a leaf sample.
Nancy Preuss planted peonies 3 years ago on the east side of
their houses and the plants aren't doing very well. Advised
to apply bone meal. Also check to make sure they weren't
planted too deep. Possible they should be moved to location
with full sun.
Harold Earp brought the original and copies of a brochure
written by Jon Kinney about the Mariposa Grove of Giant
Sequoias in Yosemite National Park. The text is imbued with
a profound love for these giant trees and makes for good
reading. Kinney was killed in a car accident in 1986.
Also distributed was a publication funded by the
Environment Protection Agency entitled Baybook . It
detailed ways to reduce water use and minimize wastewater.
Such efforts undertaken by more and more people would have a
profound effect on the good health of the Chesapeake Bay and
our water supply in general.

The meeting was brought to a close. We thanked the Hussmans
for their hospitality and since Chances were absent for
the evening's meeting, we agreed to have our next meeting at
their house on July 5.

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