Page 24




Status: Indexed


August 2, 1988; page 1

Our August meeting (the 872nd) took place at the home of
Harold and Edwina Earp. Most of us with gardens and grounds
suffering from the vindictiveness of a hot and arid July
took no comfort at the Earp's lush, productive and groomed
landscape. Later in the evening one of our guests asked
what secret our hosts employed to achieve such stunning
horticultural results. With great charm, modesty, and humor
the answer was that it's a very simple task if begun 30 or
more years in advance and the kept after relentlessly.

Missing from the gathering were the Goffs, Conlons, and
Preusses. Steve Harcy, chairman of the Central Maryland
Audubon Society, was a guest.

Despite the heat and torpor of the day the dinner that
everyone contributed to inspired appetites beyond the status
quo. There was a magnificent salmon that reigned over a
collection of delicious dishes exquisitely prepared and
perfect for a hot summer's evening. Sandy Spring
Horticultural Society monthly meals are as a rule, excellent
but this one in particular bordered on gastronomic ecstasy
artfully presented.

After lumbering to the meeting proper, we took up unfinished
business which involved capturing on film a quarry more
elusive and flighty than vampires in sunny fields of garlic.
Our Society once again resolved to gather at our next
meeting in time to be photographed as part of our season -
long celebration of our 125th year.

We also discussed special measures to be taken to prepare
for our September meeting at which we hoped as many retired
members would attend. Extra food should be brought. Ellen
volunteered to pen a short history of the Society.
Looking beyond to our last meeting of the season, John
requested that all Redundancy Committee efforts
should be turned in at the September meeting. This might
give him time to amalgamate all the data for a year's end

The chosen reader was Peter Austin. His selection, a poetry
and dance interpretation of "Woodsman Save That Tree" with
kazoo accompaniment by Elizabeth Thornton was withdrawn with
great regret in order to allow enough time for Steve Harcy
to make his presentation.

Steve Harcy in addition to his other credits is an authority
on local perennials. He was prepared to give a talk with
slides on 50 dependable perennials for Maryland gardens but
due to the shortness of the avaliable time he pared his
selection down to 28. His slides were excellent and he

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