Page 37



Status: Indexed


October 4, 1988; page 3

around the plant's base; sharp sand, wood ashes, barber shop
sweepings. Also suggested sotto voce was to move to
Nancy Chance has lots of earwigs. Suggested she throw out
mulch and start again. Perhaps put black plastic over it
all for a few weeks which might sterilize it. Perhaps burn
the mulch. Perhaps try something and report back.
Lydia Haviland wanted to know if Francis Miller's house and
Sweetbriar was built by the same person. No. Mr. Thomas
built Sweetbriar and Francis Miller's came considerably
latter as an original Sears prefab built about 60 years ago.
Tom Farquhar is plagued by crabgrass - can anything be done
about it? Crabgrass pre-emergence killer recommended. Also
does anyone want to combine an order of Gopher-its? They
might be cheaper by the half dozen.

Peter Conlon added that a visit to the newly refurbished
Union station is well worth a trip.

A final comment was made on Eli Roger's grape squeezings.
The experts were shaken awake. Their opinion was that it
was of a nice color, captured light well, fruity yet dry, a
pleasure of any refined palate.... without a doubt, a wine
any vintner would be proud to serve.

On that note we thanked John and Ellen for hosting the
meeting. We wished one another a healthy and prosperous fall
and winter and agreed to meet on April 4th at Lea House to
begin our 126th season.

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