Page 3



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April 4, 1989; page 3
February has a low of 11 degrees on the 10th and 11th and a
high of 67 on the 1st. Peak wind gust was like January,
March's low was 14 degrees on the 8th and a high of 86 on
the 28th. Peak gust was 28 mph.

From Rose Hill came tulips, daffodils, grape hyacinths, a
magnolia blossom, peach blossoms, plum blossoms, redbuds,
and spirea.
From Jackpine came dwarf daffodils, sassafras buds, witch
hazel, and pleris andromeda.
The Earps brought daffodils, grape hyacinths, forsythia, a
star magnolia blossom, a soulangeana magnolia blossom,
andromeda, flowering cherry, and hyacinth.
Riverside offered assorted daffodils, crocus, wind anemone,
sorrel, salade burnet, rubarb, wigelia, bush honeysuckle,
and overwintered carrots.
Quailhill brought daffodils, grape hyacinth, violets,
scilia, apricot blossoms, quince blossoms, and forsythia.
The Cedars brought daffodils and daphne odeona.

The Bird Report raised the triumphant word that the much
maligned Orioles had recently won after 11 innings of hard
pitched battle. On other avian fronts, it was noted that
earlier that day the cedar waxwings had flown through the
area on their North-bound migration. Also noted was that
purple martins had not yet been sighted in the area.
Bluebird sightings were good.

From the Membership Committee came word that a verbal
resignation was received from the Goffs - Flora will need
heart surgery and there isn't ample time or energy for
proper involvement in the society.
The Committee assured the gathering that they would discuss
new memberships before the next meeting.

The Redundancy Committee had nothing to report.

There was no new business.

Nancy Preuss had a couple kiskas that had been left at Lea
2 years ago July. Could they be claimed by anyone.
Yes, Elizabeth Thornton identified them as the lost kistkas
of Quailhill and repossessed them.
Harold Earp wanted to know if the Ground Nut is another term
for peanut. Some said yea, others said nay. Before a fight
ensued the term was looked up and found to be synonymous
with potato bean, or wild bean.
Mary Grady asked after the cherry blossoms in DC. Word had
it that there are still blossoms but they're past prime. It
was further noted that that afternoon the blossoms at

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