Page 7



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Iris: May 2, 1989; page 3


Mary Seiler asked whether blush dogwoods can be volunteers.
Her belief was that any such trees reverted to white.
Authorities on the subject said that blush volunteer
dogwoods are not uncommon in the area.

Harold Earp found 2 intact bird eggs on a mulched path in
his garden. Attributed to cowbirds who will lay their own
egg in another bird's nest and further stack the deck in the
eggs favor by taking a resident egg out.

Sylvia Woodward asked how to plant caladium bulbs. One can
start them in pots in the greenhouse or just put them in the

Tom Farquhar mentioned the problem with the dogwood problem
(a fungus not a worm) that's going around. He's heard that
they'll all be gone in a matter of years. Stadler's Nursery
says that domestic dogwoods are resistant but wild dogwoods
are susceptible.

Peter Austin asked if anyone had spotted purple martins.

Aduna Hanel has a brown spot in her lawn. Wished to know
the possible cause. The Society deduced that the spot may
have been caused by a pack or organized dogs or one dog as
big as a volkswagon. Harold Earp mentioned that there is a
brown Patch syndrome but he thought it occurred later on in
the season.

Nancy Chance has a 10 foot tall viburnum that decided not to
live this year and probably all years hereafter. However,
everything around it is thriving. Recommended that she cut
it back to inspect closely any possible cause.

Elizabeth Thornton wondered how many days it takes to harden
off seedlings. 10 - 14 days mentioned. Also where to go to
get interesting herbs. Sunshine Herb Farm is one emporium,
also Still Ridge up near Woodstock.

Sherry Fletcher asked about cutting asparagus and apologized
about the possibly redundant nature of the question. As the
Society tried to gracefully hold the Redundancy Committee at
bay, it was recommended to not cut asparagus when it is
smaller than a pencil and go ahead and harvest until the pea
harvest is ready.

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