Page 8
Iris: May 2, 1989; page 4
Ted Fletcher asked why penned ducks should be kept from
water. No answer as everyone uses word processors on their
ducks these days.
Sally Eller asked what a Redundancy is. Recommended not to
ask the Secretary/Treasurer and expect a straight answer.
Lydia Haviland drew our attention to a sizable tree near
Montgomery General Hospital (face the hospital and look to
the far left) that is top half bradford pear and bottom half
weeping cherry. Spectacular in bloom it otherwise lives out
its existence in obscurity which would not help if from the
brutality of suburban renewal or a rampart chainsaw.
Nancy Chance added that old style bradford pears are no
longer being planted on local and state highways - the wood
is too brittle. A new strain is being used.
The questions were concluded with a short discussion of
wisteria - namely the big one that used to be on the old
Ladson place in Olney, the one at Riverside, and the
It had been a lovely evening. Great to have such enjoyable
guests and a pleasure to have previously active members
grace the gathering with their attendance. We thanked the
Hanels for their hospitality and resolved to meet next on
June 6th at Lakeview, home of Mary Seiler, at which time Tom
Canby will pay his yearly dues and also be the reader.
With humble apologies for any
inaccuracies or mistakes,
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