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Lakeview, June 6, 1989 ; page 3

Priscilla Allen summoned the ultimate courage to ask when to stop picking
asparagus. With conviction and authority June 15 was trumpeted as the last
pick date. Waffling a bit, a short discussion of the staggered approach to
asparagus harvesting followed.
Also asked was who knows about snakes. Focussed upon were garter snakes
with 3 beige stripes lengthwise and baby black snakes that are brownish with
a pattern showing through.

Sherry Fletcher asked the Earps what variety their yellow columbine which
they were unable to answer. Also was that rose they brought for
exhibition - New Yorker.

Susan Canby wanted to know what to do about the carpenter bees that are
destructively boring through Jackpine's deck. The sporting approach is to go
after them with a badmitten racket - not for the weak of heart as the
critters go for your throat if you miss. A less exciting method is with the
hornet & wasp aerosol spray. One can also plug up their hole with a grease
gun once they've entered.

Ari Preuss described his success in controlling gypsy moths by intercepting
them with a burlap belt around the trunk. He mentioned being fascinated
by all the other insects that also take refuge under the burlap.

Jim Bullard says he has sycamore trees that have not leafed out to normal
fullness. Recommended to apply 6/10/10 around dripline.

Ted Fletcher asked about transplanting adult asparagus plants. With
considerable fervor it was the opinion of some that the endeavor wasn't
worth the effort. If he did try it however, he should only take the male
Also which way does one plant acorns; up or down.....and what is "up" to an
acorn anyway? Plant sideways and leave acornography to the oakologists.

Mo Chance said that the viburnum mentioned at the last meeting is dead.

Nancy Preuss wanted to know when to prune her rhododendron. Advised to
prune after the bloom and be brutal.

John Hartge has 3 year old Christmas trees - when should he prune them. If
there is a whole branch offending the tree's symmetry take it off now.
Otherwise prune and shape when trees are chest high.

In an attempt to keep the gathering off balance, Tom Farquhar slipped in
that any 6 weeks of the growing season is good to harvest asparagus.

Not letting a soup bean die, Caroline Hussman mentioned that if you don't
plan to eat the asparagus, don't cut them. Providing they are free from
weed interference neglect only allows the root system to grow strong.

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