Page 14
Lakeview, June 6, 1989 ; page 4
Relating the previous comment to Christmas trees Bill Hartge allowed as how
if you don't prune them they get to be about 30 feet and then a bulldozer
runs into them.
There being nothing further on the agenda, we thanked Mary Seiler for her
hospitality and agreed to meet next on July 11 at Rosehill, home of the
Rogers at which time Iduna Hanel will be reader. In the vulnerable pause
preceding the conclusion of the meeting, the Secretary Treasurer asked Tom
Canby if he would be the Secretary for the next meeting since he was one
of the most literate and eloquent members of the Society and generosity
flowed in his veins to boot. Tom agreed and the meeting was concluded.
Tom: The next meeting is on August 1st at your place at which time Ellen Hartge will be reader. Even though this is a golden opportunity to shift the
meeting to Quailhill with Peter Austin as reader I hope you will restrain
Also: Quailhill still has mulching hay.
Bird note: For two weeks in early June we had 3 immature purple martins on
our martin house. At he same time we also had a house sparrow sharing the
complex. The purple martins seemed to be on the way to ensconcing
themselves nicely when one day they were not to be seen anywhere. The
house sparrow remained.
With apologies for misspellings, bad puns, and aukward prose,
Peter Austin
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