Page 11
July 3, 1990, Riverside, page 1
What was in the air when we had our July meeting at
Riverside? Before there was a packed house and a delicious
meal the porch and garden were laced with conversations and
strolling groups unaware of the passage of time and lost in
the pleasure of the gathering. The meal didn't start until
7:30 and the meeting didn't start until almost 9:00 when the
sun and its light slipped from our day.
We were graced with a lovely array of guests; Peter and
Anita Ligon, Louie Canby, Cathy Nelson & Brian Cousin, and
Margaret Jones & Michael Jones.
When the meeting finally got started Elizabeth Thornton read
the minutes from the previous meeting. They were passed
with the correction that slugs similar to their human
counterparts will not drown themselves in vinegar - only
beer will do.
As there was no unfinished business Buzz Hussman read the
seleced article which was by Robert Courick in Harrowsmith
Magazine. It was about asian pears; history, virtues,
cultivation, and economics. A short discussion followed on
the gathering's experience with the fruit and although there
seemed to be no lack of enthusiasm, knowledge, or good
intentions about this intriguing fruit, no one has yet grown
Bill Hartge next read a quote from the highly esteemed
Montgomery County Journal attributed to his son John.
The Century-old minutes were read by Elizabeth Thornton.
July 1st at Fair Hill, 1890. The exhibits included ripe
(which was underlined) tomatoes and potatoes indicating a
veiled yet fierce competition. Also mentioned was a
"digusting" poultry report that detailed a night when rats
stole 100 chickens. Those rodents aren't called rats for
The Forethought recommended that vegetables be watered one
inch per week. Fertilize tomatoes at 3/4 cup of 10-10-10
per plant. Stake plants. Give roses their last feeding at
the end of July. Stop pruning chrysanthemums. French
hydranges need lime now to turn their blooms purple next
John Hartge's meteorologist's report mentioned 2.9 inches of
rain which is 2 inches low for the year. It was a dry month
with 11 days with no rain, 8 days with 1/10 and then 3 days
until appreciable rain fell. The high temperature was 97 on
the 5th of June and tthe low was 69 on the 31st.
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