Page 12




Status: Indexed


Julyy 3, 1990, Riverside, page 2


Exhibits included a large cabbage and some lovely cucumbers
from the Hanels.
Lydia Haviland contributed a nice broccoli, big potatoes,
and a nice cabbage.
From the Chances came nasturtiums, chrysanthemums, salvia,
snapdragon, roses, and zinnias.
From Riverside came zinnias, chrysanthemums, marigolds,
pineapple sage, and a picture of their pepper crop.
From the Earps came tuberose, snapdragon, foxglove,
chrysanthemum, santana, dahlias, crocuses, colchicuums,
begonia, and a rose.
From Amersley came asters, chrysanthemums, nicotiana, a
simplicity rose, dahlias, 1 limp colchicum, and
Jackpine and Roslyn brought mixed flowers.

Bird Report
Mo Chance told of seeing a pair of house finches making a
ruckus in his umbrella pine. They were joined by a flock of
their ilk. They in turn were joined by Mo who spotted a
snake in the tree which he banished.
On a sad note it was recalled that Frances Ayers, a local
champion for the bluebird population, had died.
Cathy Nelson reported a wounded red shouldered hawk had been
found at Riverside and turned over to the Patuxant Wildlife
for rehabilitation.

The Redundancy Committee's efforts were on display in the
next room. 2300 questions had been logged.


Buzz Hussman started the questions off in a horticultural,
literary, and philosophic vein by asking what are wild oats,
is it written where one can't sow wild oats, and who hasn't
sewn wild oats.
It seem that wild oats are a variety of rare timbered tree
because the meeting was temporarily stumped.
Mo followed with a question over how to keep clover out of
one's lawn and thus out of one's garden. It was believed
that there exists a clover specific herbicide.
Referring back to Buzz and his wild oats it was mentioned
that on the West Coast wild oats are considered a pest. It
was recommended by the conservative elements that perhaps
it's best not to sew wild oats. However, on the Eastern
Seacoast sea oats are planted to protect dunes from eroding.
Anita Ligon wanted to know how to move mint without
destroying other plants. Advised simply to dig it up and

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