Page 13
July 3, 1990, Riverside, page 3
not worry. Best to plant in plastic container with holes in
the bottom from which it can still escape but with greater
Bettes Hartge asked the identity of the shade tree near the
pool; Japanese Snowball. OK, can the group identify the
adjacent bush; no.
Cathy Nelson planted 3 rose campions and they're not doing
well - rather they are dying from the center while in
flower. Nancy Preuss observed the same behavior at Lee
House but hers came back the next year.
Mary Seiler has benignly neglected a section of her lawn so
that it is now a nice clover field of 1/2 - 2 acres. Would
anyone like to come in and bale it. Advised to call the
Jim Bullard asked after the plastic jugs in the Hartge's
garden. They have pitchfork holes in the bottom are used
for watering. There ensued an involved discussion on holes
and plastic jugs but no blinding insights were forthcoming.
John Hartge asked how to keep squirrels out of the garden.
In absence of Tom Canby, mylar strips and balloons with eyes
were suggested. Live traps with one-way tickets to Howard
County was also offered. John's second question was if
anyone needs a "magic" corn scraper. As the deafening
silence descended upon him Ellen slipped out to station
herself at the door with several cases of scrapers to bestow
upon the departing multitude.
We discussed the next meeting to be held at the National
Cathedral. Bettes Hartge and Susan Canby volunteered to do
unspecified organisational work. There would be no rain
date, no exhibits, bring an umbrella and Peter Austin
volunteered to read...hoping that there wouldn't enough time
for him.
The hour was late, the gathering exceptional, the
companionship sublime. We thanked the Riverside household
for their hospitality and made our way past the corn
scrapers into the night's darkness and our homes beyond.
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