Club Minutes: Horticultural Society, 1990



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Page 21


October 2, 1990, Roslyn, page 3

attackers. May need to be watered more frequently. Attackers may be japanese beetles.

Jane Riggs has a dawn redwood with a label that partly wraps the trunk. Loosen but do not remove for fear of sunscald.

Elizabeth Thornton once again asked if anyone has any extra tansy. Once again Priscilla Allen offered an abundance.

Peter Austin has a chinese chestnut seedling from a heavily producing tree...anyone interested? Ari Preuss mentioned an interest.

What followed was an overall appraisal that the year's fruit harvest had been bad on the commercial and private level. Winchester apple production was down by 50% and locally there were no quince and no crabapples.

On that note we thanked our hosts for their hospitality and closed the Society's formal season. We acknowledged the bravery of the Mannings who agreed to host the first meeting of the next year and looked forward to reconvening there on April 2, 1991.

Your humble servant, Peter Austin Secretary/Treasurer

Last edit over 1 year ago by mbrockway
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