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May 7, 1991, Iris, page 1
A beautiful sunny and breezy day with temperatures in the 60's preceded our
May gathering at the Hanels. Pleasant contrasts laced the house and grounds;
formality and ease, order and creativity, soft-spoken personalities and the
boom of their productive efforts. Unfortunately both Rudi and Iduna were
being visited by the common cold. Fortunately the meeting was visited by
Iduna's sister, Gunda, and our former active Society member Mary Moore
We started off with the reading of minutes from the previous meeting,
glaring misstatements were frowned upon and some corrected. We quickly
broke with established structure and passed the exhibits as some in
attendance had to leave early and did not want to miss the fruits of the
Society's labors.
We followed with moment of silence and sad reflection over the passing away
of retired members Clive Lawrence and Sylvia Woodward. The likes of these
two gentle and lovely individuals we were all fortunate to enjoy. Clive's soft
humor and engaging manner are easy to recall. Sylvia's kitchen had a jar of
bees that she used to sting herself as a self-treatment for arthritis - I
always considered it ironic that anything could sting such a exceedingly
pleasant person.
We moved on to the Treasurers Report. Against an undercurrent of doubt and
allegations of embezzlement and mismanagement, the gathering accepted the
coffer's total of $70.50 and even agreed to pass the hat to collect this year's
The Nominating Committee proposed Nancy Pruess for Secretary, Ted Fletcher
for Vice President, and Peter Austin for Treasurer/Secretary. With speed that
was a credit to both Democracy and Anarchy, the nominations were decreed
unanimous and the gavel was lobbed to Nancy Pruess as she positioned herself
in the Big Chair and Caroline Hussman settled into the gallery amid
appreciative applause for her past two years' helmsmanship.
The Assigned Reader was Nancy Chance who had an article about tabernay
montana or more commonly, amsonia, blue star, or willow amsonia. The plant
is native from Virginia to Georgia and west to Texas. It blooms from May to
June, is said to grow gracefully and neat all season, and is resistant to pests.
It bounces back after being rained on, does not need dividing, and is good
for flower aranging and landscaping. Despite the entusiastic tone and
hyperbole of the article, Nancy's opinion was that the blue of the flower is
not a true blue and the plant itself is a good plant but not a great plant.
Ellen Hartge volunteered an Organic Farms Inc. Newsletter regarding toluene,
zylene and other compounds that are innocuously labeled as inert but have
possibly grave effects on the environment and animal nervous systems.
Lydia Haviland offered an article about Pink Ladyslippers - characterizing
them as insect nightmares. The flowers of these plants have no nectar and
trap pollinating insects into difficult escape. The plants will grow to be 25
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