Page 9
June 4, 1991, Rose Hill, page 3
opposition to hunting on her property. Along the same lines
she asked about deer on highways. Available are wind
activated whistlers that alert the deer before you hit them.
Only way to truly avoid deer on highway is not to drive.
Best thing before hitting a deer is make sure you've got
lots of insurance because it's assured that the deer don't
and the damage to both parties can be considerable.
Anne Jamison asked what the white flower is in the mixed
vase the Canbys brought. Identified as a white flower
similar to other known varieties. She also mentioned a rose
bush that was 5 years red but now is red and yellow. The
assembly hates to have guests ask questions we can't
definitively answer so we attributed the odd rose behavior
to spontaneous rootstock recidivism and moved on quickly
before another question could be ventured.
Mo Chance asked about a Rose Hill vine identified as a kiwi.
One needs a male and female plant and the fruits have more
fiber than apples, are high in vitamin C, and have more
potassium than bananas. The Rogers have had the plants for
3 years and productivity is on a par with the National Zoo
Ari Preuss has a 12 inch diameter tree that's nearly sawed
through but manages to live. It's near the house. The
group was evenly divided as to whether to leave it be or saw
it down and start over. Wait until October so we can see
the specimen firsthand and then reach a consensus.
Nancy Chance has comfrey that is imposing on neighbors and
needs a way to control (i.e. eradicate). Recommended was
roundup if it is applied specifically.
Caroline Hussman has red spider mites in her garden and was
advised to control them with safer's or Ivory soap.
Bettes Hartge asked after strawberries grown on a pyramid.
Sounds like a good idea but nobody but Tom's mother has
ever tried it. Tom will inquire and report back.
Ellis has a small cutleaf maple that lost a branch and the
one that grew back is green and not red like the rest of the
tree. Attributed to the tree being a root and trunkstock
with scions grafted onto it. If the trunkstock is allowed
to sprout branches they will not be like the other branches.
Leslie Rogers has a pussy willow - is it too late to prune?
Prune any time of year.
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