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Meteorologist John Hartge referred to the localness of the month's sparse
rainfall--six inches here, none there. He recorded 2.1 inches for July--a
figure "shamefully low."
Exhibits included a yard-long bean from a volunteer plant at the Chances',
flowers and a basketball-size passport melon from the Earps, grand champion-
quality tomatoes from Riverside, veggies and hibiscus from Roslyn, and
flowers, herbs, and vegetables from Lea House.
Regarding the matter of the birds and the bees, Sally Eller displayed a
finely woven gnatcatcher nest that had blown from a tree. Jim Bullard reported
the extraction of honey without a sting, and Beth said that salad oil is
reputed to discourage bees from imbibing at hummingbird feeders.
Reporting for the Microfilming Committee. Mo Chance said that collections
were in from nine families-- not nearly enought to finance their vacation.
Serious work will resume after the October meeting. Residual funds will go to
Linda Hartge for making the record cover.
During the question session, Nancy Preuss asked if plants other than mums
can be cropped to encourage less leggy plants, and Priscilla Allen added phlox
to this category. To Tim Eller's question about heath, Nancy said it likes
full sun. Regarding Priscilla's query about tomatoes, the consensus was that
ripening does not require that the fruit be exposed to sunlight. Bette Hartge
mentioned the opportunity to recycle virtually all clean, dry papers,
including phone books, at the Clarksville firehouse Tuesdays between 2:30 and
6:30. Also did we know that a flea can jump 300,000 times without stopping?
To Ellen Hartge's question about kitchen ants, Nancy Preuss recalled that
cucumber skins can be a deterrent.
The secretary reminded the group that it would reconvene September 3 at
Lakeview, with Jim Bullard as reader. The president concluded with appropriate
remarks about the warmth and hospitality shown by our hosts, the Ellers.
Tom Canby, acting secretary
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