Page 81
pancake supper Jan. 26 and have asked to use
our new store. It was moved and seconded they
be allowed to do so.
Mrs. Spencer Brown, Sr. was appointed chairman
to provide the supper for thje County meeting of
the firement which will meet here Jan. 17, 1952.
March 6 has been agreed upon as the date
to have a special meeting for a "Sewing Bee" at
the Community House. We are to bring our
materials and have the aprons cut-out if
possible. The more qwe can make for the
Specialty Table - the better.
The meeting was then turned oveer to the
Nominating Committee and as the result of the elections:
Mrs. Joan Rabbitt - is our new president
Mrs. Vernon Dantz - Vice - president
Mrs. Douglas O'Keefe - Secretary
Mrs. J. J. Meyer, Jr. - Treasurer
There being no further business we adjourned
to meet March 6, 1952.
Sarah O'Keefe,
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